Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Golf.....and more!

Okay, I know I have neglected my blog for the past month...but here are few highlights...The Lady Vol's golf team had their home tournament early in October at Fox Den. They also had their first ever reunion for all the current and former team was a Pratt Pavillion on campus (we wish we were related..haha). The facility (where the men's and women's bb teams practice) is amazing!! Andrew's parents, Bob and Maureen, came to visit and to watch the team play. It was great to have them in...even thought they couldn't stay long. We are excited to go to Memphis over Thanksgiving this year to see all our friends a family there!! It's been almost a year since we've been!!

I have been on fall break this past week and it's been amazing...a much needed break! Not too much longer and Christmas will be here!

Andrew's best friend from college, Ian, is starting is first q-school next week.....keep him in your thoughts!! He's going to do great!! We miss having Ian and Carrie so close and can't wait to visit them in Texas.

Here's a group photo from the reunion dinner
Andrew in his office at Stokely

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