Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Cooper is obsessed with Santa this year. We show him Ipad apps, pictures, videos, etc. all of Santa. He gets super excited, shy, and a little confused when he sees Santa in pictures.

Seeing Santa in person is a different story.

He is terrified of him. He only enjoys looking at him from a distance.

We were lucky enough to go to brunch with Santa at English Turn last weekend.

Look, momma and dada, there he is!!!

Cooper would only eat grapes for brunch. That's it. Each one of those grapes cost us about $2.
But he loved them.


Cooper is also obsessed with balloons. Here he is with Andrew.

They also had train rides, which was really cute. Cooper loves to go choo-choo!

Our of the few shots of the three of us together.

And here's the evidence that Coop only likes Santa from a distance.

Can you see his tonsils??

I can.

Some stay it's torture to do this to your kids.

I think its essential to have a picture of your baby with Santa every year.

ps- this Santa was such a dud. he didn't move or talk. i'm pretty sure he was hungover.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Changes and back in time

Well, we have finally settled into our little home in NOLA. It has taken some adjusting, but I think we are there. So many things have been happening since our move, so I will have to slowly update you on what is going on.
It is my goal to update this more...especially about our new adventures in 'Nawlins.

The night before we left Knoxville was...Halloween!!  We were so lucky to spend this last night with my parents and all our friends and neighbors. All the kids in the neighborhood looked so cute dressed up.

Cooper's best buddy in the neighborhood, Mason (I mean, Woody):

We really miss seeing you everyday!!

Kisses for Mason
our dog mows our yard, too!
Coop's big brother and partner in crime, Jackson. boy, I miss this guy. he made my days better...everyday!!
our first stop, at Mrs. Marilyn's house
drew and reese
ayden....another buddy of cooper. and a bigger buddy of jack

pretty girls
sweet pressley

one last hurrah and mrs. barb's house...mason leading the way!!

Cooper's dog costume he borrowed from his buddy/BFF Mason...aka Woody (whom he misses very much and claps when he sees his picture) fit perfect and he looked so cute!!!

I have so much more to post about!!  Hopefully I'll get caught up before Coop's 2nd birthday!!