Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's a boy!

Sweet baby Pratt is a sweet baby boy! More to come later... (with pictures) :)


Sunday, November 22, 2009

I survived!!! and updates on sweet Baby P!

I survived a trip to NYC with 6 teenagers and a pregnant lady (me!). It wasn't easy, but it was a great time and totally worth it! We had a great time seeing the sights, breathing the crisp (and unseasonably warm)air, and learning! As I remember the 10 girls I took last time like it was yesterday, I will remember these 6 forever, too! I don't remember every student, but it is hard to forget the ones that you spend time with out of the classroom doing "real" learning.

I came home to a clean (for Andrew's standards!) house and have been busy unpacking and getting ready to head out of town again on Wednesday to Memphis for Thanksgiving. We are very excited to visit (I think it's been a whole year) and to see all of our family and friends there!

Andrew and Jack had "man-time" when I was gone...which I'm sure was spent lounging around watching college football and playing in the yard.

We will know on Wednesday if I will be totally out numbered at home...and if my predictions are right, I will be (which is fine with me :) )...because we go for our BIG ultrasound to check on sweet baby P and find out the gender! We are very excited, but of course, we just really want to know if the baby is healthy...boy or doesn't matter. I always thought it would, but it doesn't. I have always wanted one of each, (just not at the same time..haha).

I felt baby P move in NYC for the first time on Thursday! It was a sweet feeling and one that I had been waiting for. Little air bubbles filled my tummy as soon as I slowed down from a long day. He must have woken up!

Until later this week for the big reveal...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Best...

husband. How did I get so lucky? I could win a contest for the best husband ever..hands down. Since I've been pregnant and feeling puny, he has stepped up to the plate! And hit a homerun.

-When Jack needs to go out at 1 in the morning...its Andrew who gets up.
-When I wake up in the middle of the night throwing up, Andrew takes care of me.
-When I get up with a pounding headache, Andrew searches the house to figure out where I put the Tylenol.
-When I wake up in the middle of the night with a terrible cramp in my lower back (trying to be quiet so I don't wake him) Andrew senses something is not right and wakes up to massage the spot until it feels better.
-When I need a drink or crackers so I don't get sick, Andrew rushes down the stairs to get it for me.

You see, in his mind, he is not only taking care of me, but of our precious little baby too. I can't wait to see him melt when Baby P arrives and become the Best again. This time...the best Dad in the world. Our baby is lucky. He could win a contest.
