Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Best...

husband. How did I get so lucky? I could win a contest for the best husband ever..hands down. Since I've been pregnant and feeling puny, he has stepped up to the plate! And hit a homerun.

-When Jack needs to go out at 1 in the morning...its Andrew who gets up.
-When I wake up in the middle of the night throwing up, Andrew takes care of me.
-When I get up with a pounding headache, Andrew searches the house to figure out where I put the Tylenol.
-When I wake up in the middle of the night with a terrible cramp in my lower back (trying to be quiet so I don't wake him) Andrew senses something is not right and wakes up to massage the spot until it feels better.
-When I need a drink or crackers so I don't get sick, Andrew rushes down the stairs to get it for me.

You see, in his mind, he is not only taking care of me, but of our precious little baby too. I can't wait to see him melt when Baby P arrives and become the Best again. This time...the best Dad in the world. Our baby is lucky. He could win a contest.


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