Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ten Years down the road!

Tonight was my 10 year high school reunion! I can't believe it went that fast...seems like yesterday we were all still at PHS. Well, Andrew and I had a great time visiting and catching up with old friends. Here are a few pics from the evening...sorry, some of them are not that great, but it's all I have!

Group Shot

Me and April...friends since 5th grade!

Mandy, me, Britt, April

Britt, me, Erin, and Amanda

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Girly Hooottttlanta!!

Before school time, all us teachers decided we needed some retail and girlfriend we hopped in the car and drove to the ATL to visit Mariah!! We had an awesome time visiting, eating (of course), and doing the! If you've never been to the NGa Premium Outlets then ya missing out!!! They are AMAZING! Especially if you are like us...and are teachers....and need a D-E-A-L!

I'm the only one left in the pic still at good ole' CHS (Jen married Trent went to Va...Rebecca transferred, Mariah left me for Bill....and then there is me)!

This is all of us on the front porch of Mariah and Bill's's so nice!! Thanks for letting us come visit Mariah!! I miss you already :(
