Cooper Robert Pratt

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 28, 2010

Our 6 week old teaser baby!

I can't believe Coop is 6 weeks old already! Time truly does fly by...especially when that time is spent taking care of a newborn. How do mom's with 2 kids do it?? Cooper went for his one month appointment a few weeks ago and he weighs a whopping 9 pounds!! Our boy is growing...he should be by the way he eats! Cooper is also sleeping great...usually from about 10:30 pm - 6 or 7 am straight! Not a peep! He sleeps in his crib, but we put his lamby seat in his crib...its the only thing that will get that boy to sleep good! I wish I could say it was my awesome parenting skills that got him to sleep through the night at 5 weeks old...but its not. He's just a teaser baby...teasing us into having another one!!

We've enjoyed the time with Cooper lately. He is starting to make eye contact and is very alert most of the day. He loves to play on his mat and Jack will lay right beside him and watch. We love it when he smiles and giggles (sort of). He loves to be outide and LOVES to go for walks in the stroller.

Here's a pic of actually looks like he is holding the sign! (He is after all a genius!)

I've got my camera ready...

I've been a big slacker about taking pictures. I've always been a big slacker about it. Example: Andrew and I went to Vegas and I didn't take one picture! I've vowed to change my ways...especially since Coop's arrival. Well, I FINALLY charged my battery and started snaping some photos last night. It's amazing how fast Cooper is growing and changing everyday! Here's some of my favorites (especially the one where he is trying to suck Andrew's nose...must of been hungry!)



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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time flys...

Dear Cooper,
You are one month old today! Before I know it, I will be saying you are one year old, then ten years old, then...well I don't want to even think about it! Where did the time go? It's scary, really. It seems like a few days ago we were bringing you home thinking, "How are we going to do this?". Those midnight and 3am feedings have become "normal" now! (Don't you know mommy and daddy are big sleepers!) You are more alert than ever and you love to be held and walked around the house. Anything that keeps you moving keeps you from crying (stroller, car ride, carrier, etc.) I've loved every minute being your mom so far and can't wait for the rest! I love you Coopy!!


Daddy reading you a story called "I love Daddy"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just hanging out

Here's a picture of Coop and Jack hanging out last night. Jack's patiently waiting for the day when he can really play with Coop.

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To see more than you could ever want to see of baby Cooper, you can go to LindsayJane's website and enter in our code Sara Buff2010 (exactly like that with the space). They are beautiful pictures of Cooper that I will cherish forever (and a few cute ones of Jack, too!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


A friend from high school, Lindsay Hinckley McCormick, who has amazing talent and a successful photography business came to take Cooper's newborn pics. Her website is I'm in love with them almost as much as I'm in love with Cooper. Here's a preview:

More to come...I promise!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Everybody has their labor story..

Here's mine!


Wednesday, April 14
1 pm - Felt mild contractions, but nothing to scream about
5pm - Took Jack for a long walk with Andrew
7pm - Begin to get very anxious about Cooper's arrival...need something to do
7:30 pm - Pressure wash deck furniture
9pm - Start watching American Idol and timing contractions...6-7 minutes apart...thinking about Dr. Shirk telling me - "Don't call until they are 3-5 minutes apart for an hour!"
11pm - Decide I'm not in labor and go to sleep

Thursday, April 15
12:30 am - Wake up to another contraction and decide to wake Andrew up and start timing them again
12:45 am - Decide we better call the hospital... I'm in pain! They tell us to come in so they can check me out... I really hope I'm not in false labor... Cooper's due date is still 5 days away!
1:30 am - Arrive at hospital to find our instructor, Lynda, is our nurse..yeah!! And she tells me I'm dialated to 5cm!! (Now we're glad we came in!) Music to my ears...I can get my epidural now!
3am - Get my epidural...all is good now. Dr. Shirk comes in and tells us to relax and try to get some sleep...yeah right!

After my epidural...laboring away!

3am - 6am - They break my water and the next thing they tell me is I'm dialated to 10cm. Time to start pushing!!

James O. Shirk - my amazing doc!

6:48am - Cooper arrives looking EXACTLY like his daddy's baby picutre...they put him on my chest right after he is born and it's heaven on earth!

Andrew was a huge "coach" throughout helping me every step of the way...and watching everything (I hope he's not traumatized!).