Wednesday, April 14
1 pm - Felt mild contractions, but nothing to scream about
5pm - Took Jack for a long walk with Andrew
7pm - Begin to get very anxious about Cooper's arrival...need something to do
7:30 pm - Pressure wash deck furniture
9pm - Start watching American Idol and timing contractions...6-7 minutes apart...thinking about Dr. Shirk telling me - "Don't call until they are 3-5 minutes apart for an hour!"
11pm - Decide I'm not in labor and go to sleep
Thursday, April 15
12:30 am - Wake up to another contraction and decide to wake Andrew up and start timing them again
12:45 am - Decide we better call the hospital... I'm in pain! They tell us to come in so they can check me out... I really hope I'm not in false labor... Cooper's due date is still 5 days away!
1:30 am - Arrive at hospital to find our instructor, Lynda, is our nurse..yeah!! And she tells me I'm dialated to 5cm!! (Now we're glad we came in!) Music to my ears...I can get my epidural now!
3am - Get my epidural...all is good now. Dr. Shirk comes in and tells us to relax and try to get some sleep...yeah right!
After my epidural...laboring away!
3am - 6am - They break my water and the next thing they tell me is I'm dialated to 10cm. Time to start pushing!!
James O. Shirk - my amazing doc!
6:48am - Cooper arrives looking EXACTLY like his daddy's baby picutre...they put him on my chest right after he is born and it's heaven on earth!
Andrew was a huge "coach" throughout helping me every step of the way...and watching everything (I hope he's not traumatized!).
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